Jaromir Jagr, 45, päätti viime syksynä jatkaa NHL:ssä tehtyään sopimuksen Calgary Flamesin kanssa. Kausi ei ole edennyt häneltä kuitenkaan vahvasti. Loukkaantumisetkin ovat vaikuttaneet asiaan.

Nyt mediat spekuloivat, jatkaako Jagr Calgaryssa kauden loppuun? TSN:n Bob McKenzie vihjaa twiiteissään epäsuorasti, että Jagr ja Flames saattaisivat purkaa sopimuksensa.

Bob McKenzie


Bob McKenzie

All this is set against backdrop of what’s believed/rumoured to be an “arrangement” or “understanding” between CGY and Jagr when he signed; that if it wasn’t working out for one party or the other, mutually agreed termination of contract could be invoked...
...but what are/were precise terms of that “understanding” and are they currently applicable? In any case, Jagr’s situation in CGY is certainly worth monitoring and perhaps could become clearer in the days ahead.

Bob McKenzie


Bob McKenzie

Lots of speculation on the future of Jaromir Jagr with CGY. Hobbled by injury, unable to get a defined role, rumours abound but, for now anyway, my understanding is no declarations are imminent. There has been and will continue to be dialogue between Jagr and CGY.
All this is set against backdrop of what’s believed/rumoured to be an “arrangement” or “understanding” between CGY and Jagr when he signed; that if it wasn’t working out for one party or the other, mutually agreed termination of contract could be invoked...

Bob McKenzie

Lots of speculation on the future of Jaromir Jagr with CGY. Hobbled by injury, unable to get a defined role, rumours abound but, for now anyway, my understanding is no declarations are imminent. There has been and will continue to be dialogue between Jagr and CGY.

Jos Flames-sopimus purettaisiin, olisi Jagr vapaa edustamaan Tshekkiä Pyeongchangin olympiaturnauksessa helmikuussa. Olympiaturnaus olisi Jagrille kuudes. Hän nousisi kaikkien aikojen tilastossa tasoihin Raimo Helmisen ja Teemu Selänteen kanssa.

Sekin on mahdollista, että Jagr vaihtaisi NHL:ssä seuraa. Yksi vaihtoehto olisi Pittsburgh Penguins, jossa hän 1990-luvun alussa voitti kaksi Stanley Cupia.